Exhibition Forgotten BorderlandsKlára Vanková2018-12-07T20:44:17+00:00
Exhibition Forgotten Borderlands – 50 years of landscape development through the eyes of archeology
The exhibition maps historical changes in the second half of the 20th century in the border region of Tachov and concludes the long-term archaeological and anthropological research of the staff of the Department of Anthropology and Archeology of the University of West Bohemia.
Muzeum Českého lesa v Tachově (1. 10. – 31. 10. 2017)
Národopisné muzeum Plzeňska (13. 6. 2018 – 29. 7. 2018)
Stadtmuseum Weiden (3. – 28. 9. 2018)
Authors: Lukáš Funk, Lucie Galusová, Michal Rak, Lenka Starková.
Acknowledgement: Jana Hutníková, Jana Hanusová, Kateřina Tesárková, Andrea Königsmarková, Boris Blahak, Gabriela Fatková.
Contact: Mgr. Lenka Starková, PhD. – Istarkov@kar.zcu.cz (koordinátorka putovní expozice)
Photos from the opening of the exhibition – Pilsen
Photos from the opening of the exhibition – Tachov